I am using BA Pro and I cannot figure out how to have all of my external SDCard selected for sync to Wasabi. It looks like only a single folder other than the root of the SDCard can be chosen. Is this assumption true or am I missing something? I've also selected multiple folders (green check mark) but only one ultimately is added to the sync.
Thank you,
Possible to select all of external SDCardRe: Possible to select all of external SDCardIf you select SD Card, you will see la list of subfolder, but do not select any, just click OK. It should use root one.
Re: Possible to select all of external SDCardThat is what I have done on bothe the main screen when you first select edit and the sync tab/screen. At best, I have had the folder structure created with no files uploaded. Also, I do have the checkbox for sub folders checked.
Re: Possible to select all of external SDCardOk, could you first select External SDCard in overall settings (gear icon) for home dir? And then only after try to select again in per-configuration settings?