AndFTP 6.x - Cannot access/see all files

FTP client for Android handsets.
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AndFTP 6.x - Cannot access/see all files

Post by support »

Hi all,

We've got many support requests about visibility of folders/files since AndFTP 6.1. Many files that were available in AndFTP 5.6 are not since AndFTP 6.1. For instance, non-media files under Downloads/ folder. This is the expeted behavior due to new Google security internal storage enforcement. We know it's a pain and not really convenient. The best way to access any file is to configure your AndFTP settings with "External" button as below:

external.png (38.82 KiB) Viewed 34218 times

Using "Internal" will limit the full read/write scope to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/lysesoft.andftp/files only.

There is a way to get back to access all files but we need approval from Google: ... r/10467955

We will try to request this approval for a next release.

Posts: 853
Joined: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:40 pm

Re: AndFTP 6.x - Cannot access/see all files

Post by support »

Update: AndFTP 6.2 with "All files access" permission submitted to Google Play.
Status: In Production (Google accepted it!)

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